Roof Installation
The roofing process is pretty easy with us. We do everything and while you sit back and drink an ice cold glass of lemonade. Nothing could be finer. Just do us a favor, please…offer us a glass when we’re done. okay? Honestly, you just get to relax as the hot Texas sweat pours from our brow and the sun beats down on our back. It’s all in a days work, and we love it.

Roofing Inspection
The Official 1st Place Roofing Process:
- 1. First we give you a Free Estimate and find out the condition of your roof.
- 2. If we see other damage on your roof we speak with you and your insurance adjuster to substantiate the roofing damage and make our recommendations for full replacement or just repair.
- 3. We prepare to install your new roof by discussing your requirements and desires. We look at roofing brochures to decide on a shingle type and color.
- 4. Your materials are ordered and we schedule your roof on a day of planned good weather.
- 5. The next step of the roofing process is to complete the pre-construction check-list to assure we are on the same page.
- 6. We prepare even further for the installation of the new roof by negotiating with the insurance company if anything was left off the adjusters report.
- 7. Installation Day. The big day arrives and we begin bright and early tearing off the existing roofing material.
- 8. Once all the material is off, the next step in the roofing process is to
install decking (if necessary). - 9. After the decking is installed, we begin to lay the new shingles, carefully along with the ridge and other roof elements.
- 10. Roofing is a messy business. We work overtime to assure that your yard is kept as neat as possible during your roof installation, however, the nature of roofing means a clean-up is in order. So, after we install the roof, we clean up.
- 11. Post Construction Check-List. After we complete your roof, we’ll walk through and discuss our job with you and address any concerns you may have and tie up loose ends.
See, getting a new roofontractor by is easy as apple pie! (Pass the jug of lemonade–please. Thank you kindly. We hope you will allow us the opportunity to give you a FREE estimate on your roof. We’d love to show you our roof process and roofing installation procedures first hand. Just call us at the numbers below, send us an email or fill out our Quick Estimate Form below.